dinsdag, juni 26, 2012

Rich Text options in Access

(Dutch below) A former colleague of mine, very handy with Access (amongst many other skills :-)) had a question about Microsoft Access: she wanted to concatenate some columns, and one of the columns or part of the field she wanted to display as italic.

Now since Access 2007, it is possible to use rich text options in memo fields. If you Google, you can find info on how to define a field via the Access UI. But: what to do when you use VBA and want to combine some fields: how to convert a field to italic (or bold, or another RTF option)?

It took way to long to find a solution, so i decided to blog about it. You can find on how to do it on the Office blog. Great that the blog has this content, butapparently the way we searched for it, didn't result in a fast match. So maybe me blogging and using certain words, helps other in the future :-).

(Dutch) Een voormalig collega vroeg me of ik wist hoe ze in MS Access delen van een samengesteld veld kon formatteren / opmaken als bv cursief of vet. Het vergde nogal wat zoektijd voordat we het antwoord hadden. Ze bleek uiteindelijk geholpen te zijn met de info op het Office blog . Hopelijk helpt mijn blogartikel anderen om die oplossing in de toekomst sneller te vinden :-).

Afbeeldingsbron: florijn.com 

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