zondag, april 03, 2011

PS3: error while moving game to new location

This post is only for people using a PS3 and encountering the mentioned error when using Multiman or Rogero.

I use Multiman and Rogero as game managers on my jailbroken PS3. Yesterday when launching a game with Multiman it threw "error occurred while moving game to new location" at me with every game.

I also tried Rogero 8.2 and that gave me "error occurred while mounting the games folder"...

I Googled a while and tried a couple of things. My external USB contained a PS3_GAME folder in the root. I think that was left when Multiman emulated it as a blu-ray? Anyway: after deleting it, the error went away and i was able to launch games again (found that solution here).

Before that i also connected the external USB HD to a Windows PC and checked the games folders: i read somewhere those folders shouldn't be Read Only (i have no idea why they somehow would be flagged Read Only but checked it anyway).

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Mia42006:39 a.m.

    you are fucking god thank u

  2. thank you, worked for me and assassins creed

  3. I also having same problem .When ever i play and game and movie on others folder always got en error . Thanx for sharing this article to get its solution

  4. Mack2222_28:40 a.m.

    MAN!!! YOU´RE ARE THE MAN!!!  It´s works 100%. Thank you very much!!! 

  5. thkx a looooooooooot man !!!!!!!!!

  6. THANK U!!! being at this problem for days now

  7. Luckiestguyever4:35 p.m.

    THank u so much i was so desperated

  8. Thank you soooo much. I was wondering what was wrong!

  9. Is deleting a PS3_GAMES folder take a very long time?

  10. Is deleting a PS3_GAMES folder take a very long time?
