(Dutch below) People with a PS3 wanting to backup their games, save their costly discs and playing from a disc copy of the game, AND lucky enough to have firmware 3.41 or lower, can now use so called jailbreak devices to do just that. But what solutions are available? I did not find a complete list, so i decided to make it. Miss any solution? Please let me know!
(Update 2011: a currently better option is to install custom firmware (CFW, as opposed to original firmware, OFW). Google for KMEAW 3.55; it offers the advantages of a dongle, without having to buy a dongle :-)).
- PSFree / PSFreedom for many devices like the TI84, Android (HTC), Nokia and iPhone
- PS3 E3 Card Reader
- PS3 Yes
- PS3Zpack
- PS3 Stinger
- PS3 Key
- P3Go
- x3 jailbreak (old name) / X3Max (new name), and a review.
- PS Samurai
- PS3 USB Jailbreak adapter (and a simple / short 'review')
- P3 Hub
- Neo / Neo II
- USB Break
- PS3 Break (small simple review of the v1.1: also read the replies (as with every review))
- PS3 AVR / Tiny AVR
- PS Free
- PS3 Liberator
- Eclips3
- AmazeBreak
- PS Jailbreak (is this PSJailbreak2 an improved version, or a copycat, or ...)
Related info:
- Some info on the mentioned devices, among which is a warning to try and get an upgradable device
- it al began with George Hotz (GeoHot) finding a hole, which was exploited by others, and turned into the 1st PS3 jailbreak device, the PSJailbreak
- on a Dutch website they also mentioned pricing for people who order large numbers. Quite interesting: 1 PS3Key: 37.5 euro/each. 10 PS3Key: 25 euro. 100 PS3Key: 15 euro/each.
A person with username KaKaRoTo is a major developer in this area.
Op deze pagina zet ik op een rij welke oplossingen ik ken/vond om de PS3 te jailbreaken ( 'ombouwen' ) en het mogelijk te maken kopieën van spellen (die je uiteraard hoort te hebben gekocht) te spelen.
Image source: UberGizmo.
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