vrijdag, mei 08, 2009

Convert PDF to Word, Excel etc

I have my resume online. But sometimes someone requests my resume in editable format. And another reason to want to be able to have an editable format: i want my data to be free; i want to be able to take it to another supplier if for some reason i like to.

So i need to be able to export my online resume. VisualCV only gives me the possibility to export to PDF. This is hardly editable. Yes, there are tricks to convert PDF to Word, but the solutions i knew made me loose formatting: i don't want to have to reformat the document by hand.

So i e-mailed the VisualCV-people, and got a swift reply. They pointed me to Nitro PDF to Word. A (for now?) free service. And this actually converts a PDF to Word (and they also do converts to other formats) without ditching the formatting. When you actually start to edit the converted text, you might see some unwanted behaviour though (elements not moving the way you want, so you need to manually correct it).

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Raoul, that's for featuring our free PDF to Word tool on your site -- much appreciated! We just released a 'PDF to Excel' tool you might like to check out too at http://www.pdftoexcelonline.com.

  2. Raoul, that's for featuring our free PDF to Word tool on your site -- much appreciated! We just released a 'PDF to Excel' tool you might like to check out too at http://www.pdftoexcelonline.com.
